On-screen Ruler questions & answers

On-screen Ruler provides you with a semi-transparent ruler on your screen
Question by Guest #107374805
September 24, 2018

Can it be detected by other player

Answer by Roland Diskayne

Can you please expand your inquiry? What do you mean saying 'detected by other player' ?

Question by Jim
May 10, 2017

Just trying to confirm, there's no setting for the Ruler to always 'stay on top' is there? I've looked but don't see any. If I'm jumping around spreadsheets, it would be nice if the ruler stayed on top (or at least had that option) so I don't have to repeatedly toggle back and forth.

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

I've downloaded and installed the application, but there is no on-top feature provided by the software. The options menu doesn't give anything about this option. The developers don't provide anything on their website as well, therefore the software lacks this option.

Use the following alternative called Ruler that has on top feature. I've tested and can confirm that it supports this option.

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